LIME REALTY GROUP wanted to talk a little bit about schools today.  After all, School just kinda crept up on us didn’t it?  If you were enjoying your summer holidays as I’m sure many of your kids were, the sudden arrival of school time can be a jarring event.  

Then again, not having your kids underfoot all day is also something to look forward to.  But that’s not what we wanted to discuss today.

Believe it or not, one of the main reasons families with young kids give for the neighborhoods they buy homes in is the local schools.

Schools play a huge role in where people buy and how much they’re willing to pay for a property.  Even in a state like Utah that does fairly well academically nationwide, there are certain schools and teachers who have outstanding reputations on a local level.  And parents will jump through a lot of hoops to get those advantages for their children.

This post is more of an FYI…  and you should really think about it for a minute…

The schools around your immediate area can affect the value of your home.  Wow.

Remember, Lime is the clear choice for real estate in the Southern Utah area.  Call today!