Renae Stucki Realtor uses many resources to bring the most current, accurate and best information to her clients. Mortgage News Daily is one of the resources she uses to help her clients create a strategy when buying a home. Usually, the daily posted rate also comes with a comprehensive essay describing any movement in the rate and how it impacts the market. Using this information, Renae can determine what will happen in our local market.
When we pay attention to the market rate, we’re able to gauge whether or not it’s a good time to lock in a rate. Although the general trend of the rate right now is up, there have been periods when the rate has gone down and even stopped moving for a period of time.
Using various indicators to predict or guess at the direction the rate will move next, she’s able to recommend a client lock the rate or leave it open.
This can make a huge difference in many ways. Not just the amount of money you’ll end up paying each month but also how much the loan will cost you over time.
The reason for sharing this information is because it also demonstrates how important an agent can be when you’re shopping for a home.
Right now, the mortgage rate is staying fairly flat. There’s no movement and we’re at a good rate considering where it was last year at the time and the recent upward trend. Renae would recommend all of her clients lock in the rate now. But without this information, Renae wouldn’t be able to make a recommendation and her clients wouldn’t know for sure until they were actually ready to apply for the loan.
So contact Renae today and let’s get you started on locking in a rate.