LIME REALTY GROUP wants to discuss the National Weather Service’s warning for Southern Utah!  This week, the NWS issued an excessive heat warning for most of the US Southwest.  There are already examples of people dying due to the extreme temps we’re already experiencing this year.

A lot of people are looking at this warning as a reason to avoid Southern Utah in the summer.  Not just as a vacation destination, but as a place to live.  Although that may seem like a smart move for those who are enduring this harsh summer, there’s actually a reason for this heat and it’s not a common occurrence.  If you check back tomorrow, we’ll show some information we’ve studied and try to explain (based of course on our understanding of the data we’ve researched), why this summer is proving to be so unusual and why it shouldn’t prevent you from considering Southern Utah as a destination of any sort.

In the meantime, let’s just discuss some basic steps to take in order to avoid potential problems with the desert heat.  First and foremost, stay hydrated.  Now’s the time to keep water handy.  Whether you’re carrying around a water bottle or stopping to make sure you get a drink from a fountain, it’s vitally important to keep drinking water or any liquid that restores electrolytes into your body.

Avoid being outside during the hottest parts of the day.  Contrary to popular belief, noon isn’t the hottest part of the day.  That title belongs to the hours between 4pm and 6pm.  That’s usually when we hit the projected high temp for the day.  If at all possible, make sure you’re indoors and under AC during these hours.  Because the heat in Southern Utah is a drier heat, adequate AC can keep you from experiencing problems from extreme temperatures.

If you plan on engaging in outdoor activities during the summer, limit your exposure to the early morning or evening hours while temps aren’t in the triple digits.

A great activity we’d like to suggest is home shopping!  I know what you’re thinking…  Seriously?  But yes!  traveling in an air conditioned vehicle and touring climate controlled homes is a way to have a great time and limit your exposure.  If the heat is draining your energy and keeping you from doing something productive this summer, make buying a home a priority.  It’s a great way to spend your time!  Call us up and let us set some tours up for you today.  Lime the clear and refreshing choice to beat the summer heat in Southern Utah.