The Taylor Stucki Realty Group is a group recognizing the contributions of American legends to the shape of modern society.  And there’s very few American legends quite like Dr. Martin Luther King.  Today is the anniversary of his famous “I have a dream…” speech in Washington D.C.

Dr. King’s dream was a world where people could live without prejudice based on the color of their skin or ethnic origin.  He believed in a world where everyone had the same options and opportunities as everyone else regardless of what makes them different.

Although our dream of helping people own homes is very different from King’s message; it’s one we believe in passionately and work hard to achieve.

There are still many areas of racial disparity in our society.  One of those is home ownership.  It’s true Americans of color on average make far less and are more likely to rent rather than buy.  But with the economy and market being what it is, it’s time to change those numbers!  It’s time to make home ownership something everyone can obtain.  Regardless of race or any other difference.

Maybe it’s time you contacted us and let us help you make your dreams reality.  And while you’re thinking about that, watch this incredible clip and be inspired by the words of a true visionary.