LIME REALTY GROUP wants to wish all of the mothers among our friends, families and clients a wonderful and memorable Mother’s Day!

This is a special day because we concentrate so heavily on our mothers, but it’s not a day we think should be limited to a single day a year.  If you really love and appreciate your mom, feel free to show her throughout the year and in any way you can imagine!  She will love it and love you for taking time to make her a priority.

Moms are the people who encourage us when we’re young and in so many ways shape us into the adults we become.  For good or bad, your mother will always be your most powerful conscience.  

Moms are the people who love us despite our differences and even when we fail.  They’re there to soothe the pain and comfort us when we’re down.  Nothing feels more safe than a mother’s hug or her hand on your cheek.

To all of these amazing women in our lives, we send you our respect and appreciation for your role in shaping the lives of a modern world where there is so much compassion.  More than any other time.  Where science finds ways to improve the quality of life of those who only a century ago would’ve been discarded or left behind.  Where people raise their voices against social injustice and strive to champion the cause of the downtrodden.  You are the reason so many young people today are working to create a better world.  You are magnificent!