Hey there, it’s the Renae Stucki Realtor blog with another hopefully interesting entry. Today’s subject is 9/11 and something I heard on the radio as I was driving this afternoon.
Like most Americans, 9/11 is a day we remember the victims of the horrible terrorist attack in New York City. It’s a day we reflect on the need for the country to come together in solidarity and work to make the world a more peaceful, progressive place.
There were all kinds of ceremonies throughout the country. The president held a service on one of the White House lawns and the citizens of New York City assembled in the shadow of the new World Trade Center to remember the names of the dead.
And as I listened to reports on some of the activities, especially people who use the day to dedicate themselves to providing charitable services to others, I heard one commentator express a desire to have 9/11 made into a national holiday. A bank holiday. Government offices would shut down and some people argue making it a national holiday would allow children to become more educated about the event.
Although there are many great arguments to be made for making it a national holiday, it seems to me our holidays have become opportunities for retailers to have sales and generate business. It somehow seems inappropriate that this day should be a day we used to sneak in another long weekend or catch cheaper prices at the mattress store.
It pains me to think something so tragic could become a reason for people to shop.
Of course there’s no proof that would actually happen. What are your thoughts on the subject? Feel free to send in some comments and express your viewpoints on this hot button topic. And feel free to contact Renae Stucki and set up an appointment to tour Shadow Canyon or find out how much you can pre qualify for and get into a new home.
Thanks for reading the blog and let us make your dreams come true! Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the victims of 9/11.