Renae Stucki Realtor found this amazing site today, as you can tell by our tweets and we wanted to point out a specific article that caught out eye. is the site and the article is about how to spice up a traditional or boring/bland room.  We love the ideas and we think they’re great suggestions.

This photograph accompanies the suggestion of adding a colorful ottoman to a room.  It really becomes the center piece of the room and makes the whole thing just pop out at you.  Very smart and attractive.

Anyway, you can find the article by clicking HERE.  And after you’ve browsed through the photo gallery, consider calling Renae for any real estate project you may have.

On a side note, we apologize for not being in contact yesterday.  There’s been some outages in the area with internet and we were the unfortunate victim of some loss of service.  But we’re back and ready to assist you today.  So don’t hesitate to call and set up your appointment now!