Renae Stucki Realtor wanted to end the week on a high note so we decided to give you our top ten reasons why St. George and Southern Utah in general is a great place to live!!!
01. ECONOMY – St. George and well, Utah in general is a major center for technology, mining and transportation. There are new industries relocating to Utah every year. Utah’s economy was one of the strongest during the recession and it continues to be a prosperous state.
02. SECENERY – This area is one of the most geographically diverse and beautiful regions in the continental United States. It’s loaded with mountains, river valleys, deserts, amazing rock formations and all kinds of national parks. There’s something for everyone.
03. RECREATION – The landscape lends itself to all forms of recreational activity. With mild winters and a bearable temperature for most of the year round, this is an area you can always stay busy doing something outdoors.
04. VIEW LOTS – St. George real estate offers a wide range of view lots for home buyers. Even if you think you can’t afford a premium view lot, you’ll be amazed at some of the choices out there. This area is overflowing with incredible views.
05. EDUCATION – Utah has always done well nationally when it comes to education and St. George is right in line with the rest of the state. Nationally recognized teachers, and our very own University are all examples of how you can get a first rate education for your children or enjoy furthering your own studies.
06. LIFE QUALITY – Nationally, the cost of living in St. George is much less than the average. Salaries are higher here and most people find their dollars go further in Southern Utah than they did in other states.
07. CLIMATE – Granted, this could be a double edge sword. Many people hate the summer heat. But with mild winters, fall and perfect springs, those pesky summer months can be spent doing things like swimming or catching up on a good book. It’s a fair trade off for the wonderful weather throughout the rest of the year.
08. INVESTMENT – Utah is one of the fastest growing state in the nation. The economy is perfect for investment and let’s be honest, the tourist draw for St. George has done a lot to increase the value of many people’s homes… Their primary investment.
09. RETIREMENT – This area is quickly becoming a popular place to retire. And as more retirees come to town, there are more and more activities and programs set in place for those living here. With the mild climate, this is the perfect place to relax and enjoy your retirement.
10. GROWTH – The final reason you should live here is growth. In all areas. With St. George growing bigger every day, there are more and more opportunities for people who willing to take them.
These are just a few reasons we came up with. Anyone have anymore? Feel free to post them and call Renae today if you have any real estate needs or concerns.