LIME REALTY GROUP is happy to wish everyone a Happy MLK Day!  Many of you are probably wondering what this Fed holiday has to do with them and why we celebrate it.  I overheard a couple of people just yesterday at Walmart talking about it and the comment was…, “It’s just another excuse for the government to take a day off.  All it is for me is another day my bank is closed and my mail isn’t delivered.”

Granted St. George doesn’t have a huge minority population…  People who benefit from the struggle for equality and might know firsthand what prejudice looks and feels like.  But in many ways, the people of Southern Utah have an ancestral memory of discrimination.  How many of you are the descendants of pioneers who crossed the plains?  These people at one time were the object of prejudice, scorn and hatred for being different.

Many of us can find prejudice in our lives if we go back far enough.  Even today there are places where people living in this community would face prejudice.  In certain Islamic countries, African nations…  We would find ourselves the target of much discrimination.  So these words of Rev. King’s still have the power to hit home if we let them.  They are still relevant and have effect today.

In honor of that legacy and the words of this man, we wish you all a Happy MLK Day and ask you to reflect on equality.  

Lime is the best choice for real estate in this area.  Especially if you want to deal with an agent who treats everyone fairly and who desires diversity and equality for everyone.