While reading news on the internet today, Renae Stucki Realtor found this article published by Bankrate.com about getting a mortgage.  You can read the article HERE.

There seems to be a misconception about getting a mortgage these days.  Of course it’s much harder to get a mortgage now than it was a few years ago, but it’s not hopeless.

The biggest difference between now and then is the amount of information an underwriter requires in order to approve the loan.  Higher credit ratings are also necessary to qualify for a loan these days.

However, when you consider how much more stable these fixed rate mortgages are, it makes sense the banks would behave more responsibly in making a determination in who to offer them to.  More responsible lending will help the economy stabilize and right now, that’s exactly what we need.

Don’t let the hurdles to home ownership stand in the way of achieving your goal of buying your first home.  Be strong, be brave and let Renae Stucki help you make your dreams come true.