More web surfing at the Taylor Stucki Realty Group uncovered a little online article by about Utah’s #1 economic outlook makes St. George one of the best places in the country to live!

For those of you interested in reading the article, you can find it HERE.  For those of you who don’t, let me kinda give you a rundown about the article and what was said.  

In general terms it refers to the recession and how Utah was one of the least hardest hit states.  Of course for those of us in Southern Utah, it was fairly devastating.  Our economy is highly influenced by another major metropolitan market outside of Utah and that is Las Vegas.  Vegas was actually one of the worst areas for the recession.  It took a crippling blow to its economy that rippled outward and hit Southern Utah like a closed fist. 

About the only difference between this market and Las Vegas is the rate of recovery.  St. George sold off inventory and continued growing while Las Vegas struggled with double digit unemployment rates.  Although Nevada is finally attaining growth and seeing a return in home values, it’s nowhere near the same levels of appreciation we’re seeing in St. George area.

The article continues on to point out some attractions and areas of interest.  Things that draw people to our community and why it’s such a popular destination for so many people.

We think this is a great article and if you aren’t convinced St. George is a place to invest or buy property, think again.