Renae Stucki Realtor, like many other Southern Utah/St. George residents, has followed the clues and looked for the $5,000 Summit Athletic Club Rock. It was found today by this young man and we’re sad to see all of the excitement and community fun go away.
So many people got together searching for the rock and friendships were made as well as people getting outdoors still a bit before the summer heat really sets in.
It’s exciting to see locals respond so positively to something like this. Reading the Facebook page for Summit Athletic Club, I’ve seen nothing but positive and kind remarks from the rock hunters. Even after the rock was found. Messages of congratulations and kind words are all we’ve seen.
Many hunters also took trash bags and cleaned up around the areas they were searching in.
St. George really is an amazing community and if you decide to move here, you can be a part of it!
Why not take some of that energy and start house hunting? Let’s find your best deal and get you going on making all your dreams come true. Contact Renae today!