Lime Realty Group realizes we’re up to the cold sprint towards Christmas morning, and in case you were looking for a fun Holiday tradition you can add to your family, might we suggest…

This is one fun tradition kids love!  The basic idea is during the day, the elf is in a hibernation state.  He only wakes up when all of the children have gone to bed.  Then it’s time for him to get up and play, work, do whatever he needs to do; and the fun starts the next morning when your kids have to figure out what this little mischievous elf has been up to.

To give you some ideas of the antics this little guy can get caught up in, here’s a link:

The elf is active every night in December until Christmas Eve, when he leaves and won’t be seen again for another  year.

This is a fun awesome idea sure to keep even the most unhappy child entertained and challenged.  What trouble the elf gets up to, what clues he leaves behind…  That’s all up to you.  So what are you waiting for?  Get your Elf on the Shelf today!